
HDtracksisahigh-resolutionmusicplatformformusicloverstodownloadtheirfavoritetracksinmasterstudioquality.Joinustodayfortheultimate ...,Hi-Res:這個最近在影音界廣為流傳的一個名詞,許多影音商品都主打著支援Hi-ResAudio的規格,包括大家最熟悉的智慧手機,也紛紛將Hi-Res列入產品特色。,Sony'sHigh-ResolutionAudioproductstakeyouclosertotheoriginalstudiorecording,viaspeakers&soundbars,headphonesorWalkma...


HDtracks is a high-resolution music platform for music lovers to download their favorite tracks in master studio quality. Join us today for the ultimate ...


Hi-Res:這個最近在影音界廣為流傳的一個名詞,許多影音商品都主打著支援 Hi-Res Audio 的規格,包括大家最熟悉的智慧手機,也紛紛將Hi-Res 列入產品特色。

High Resolution Audio

Sony's High-Resolution Audio products take you closer to the original studio recording, via speakers & soundbars, headphones or Walkman®. Find out more.


High-resolution audio is a term for audio files with greater than 44.1 kHz sample rate or higher than 16-bit audio bit depth. It commonly refers to 96 or ...

High-Resolution Audio for Best Sound Quality

Learn about Hi-Res audio formats and explore High-Resolution audio products from Sony. Enjoy music in superior sound quality, as the artist intended.

HIGHRESAUDIO | home of high

HIGHRESAUDIO exclusively offers high-resolution music downloads in Studio Master Quality in FLAC, ALAC, DSD, DXD-FLAC and MQA format for an immediate ...

What is high-resolution audio? And is hi

2024年2月4日 — In its simplest terms, hi-res audio tends to refer to music files that have a higher bit depth and/or sampling frequency than CD, which is ...

What is High-Resolution audio?

2023年10月4日 — High-Resolution Audio (Hi-Res) is an audio format that sounds great and allows you to pick up on the subtle details and nuances you'd hear in ...


高解析度音訊(英語:High-resolution audio)也被稱為High-definition audio或Hi-Res audio,是一些錄製音樂零售商和高保真還音裝置供應商所使用的行銷術語。